Which Accessories Are Most Necessary for Your Vintage Style?

Vintage Style

Wondering how to make the most of your cool vintage store finds? Learning which accessories are most necessary for your vintage style is a great way of taking your look to the next level. Before you head to your local thrift or vintage shop, here are a few tips on what to look for:

Gorgeous jewelryLooking for a fun 50s vibe? Toss on some vintage glass (or real!) pearls. Amp up your 80s outfit with oversize hoop earrings and an armful of jelly bracelets. The widespread popularity of costume jewelry means this is the easiest and cheapest way to accessorize your vintage look.

Statement sunglasses. One of the quickest ways to add pizzazz to a vintage look is with a pair of geek glasses. Each era has a very distinctive style of sunnies, and you can add vintage flair to almost any outfit with the right style. Research which frame shapes and sizes were popular in various eras to find one that’s right for your style.

A hat to top it all off. Hats have waxed and waned in popularity throughout recent decades, but a cute vintage topper can be the icing on the cake when it comes to your style. Add a vintage 20s twist to an outfit with a cute cloche, or grab an oversized sunhat for 70s appeal.

Fantastic footwear.Whether you purchase actual vintage footwear or you find replicas, shoes are critical for perfecting your retro look. It can be easier to research different styles for your favorite eras online, then shop around for similar-looking new shoes.

The perfect purse. Bags make a huge statement and can make or break your entire look. Fortunately, vintage bags are relatively easy to find. Snap up one or two bags in a size and shape that works for your chosen time periods. If you can’t find an actual vintage bag, purchase one in a color scheme that was popular in that time period. A neon bag would work well for an 80s look, while an earth-tone suede bag can complete your 60s flower child outfit.

Sensational scarves. Scarves, like hats, haven’t always been in favor. However, a vintage silk scarf makes a wonderful statement piece for any outfit. Scarves can help tie together your color scheme and can be wonderfully versatile. Tie a scarf around your waist like a sash, wear it over your hair to protect your retro ‘do or just drape it around your neck.

Take your vintage style to the next level with the right accessories. Picking up a few simple pieces from your local vintage store can be an inexpensive way to add flair and interest to your outfits.