All the Pros and Cons of Spray Tanning You Should Know

Spray Tanning

With summer just at its end, most of us want to get the most out of the sun. While summer is the best time to get tanned, one can now enjoy tanning during other times of the year. Besides this, a lot of tanning enthusiasts are looking for an alternative to sun tanning. Sunless or indoor tanning techniques are hassle-free and quick and free from UV rays’ harmful effects. With the increasing popularity of indoor tanning techniques, spray tanning, automated tanning, vertical tanning booths, and other advanced tanning forms have emerged. People are making queries for Indoor tanning services like UV tanning salons near me.

Spray tanning is one of the widely used sunless tanning techniques. If you are thinking of going for a spray tanning session, you must be aware of its pros and cons. In this blog, we have highlighted all the positives and negatives of the spray tanning technique.

Pros of spray tanning

Spray tanning is an excellent alternative for sun tanning. Spray tanning has benefits, including reduced tanning time, hassle-free tanning, and decreased risk of skin cancer.

It’s a fact that sun tanning exposes one to the harmful ultraviolet rays. Overexposure to UV rays can lead to various harmful effects like skin inflammation, sunburn, and skin cancer.

On the other hand, spray tanning solutions contain DHA, a carbohydrate form that doesn’t cause skin cancer. Moreover, spray tanning is FDA approved.

Sunless tanning techniques offer quick and instant tan results. One of the most significant advantages of spray tanning offers is that it saves time and hassle of basking under the sun. In sun tanning, one has to stay out under the sun for a prolonged period. While on the other hand, spray tanning is a quick process that doesn’t take more than 15 minutes. In case you have to head out for an impromptu vacation, you can visit any of the largest tanning salon chains at your place and get spray tanned.

With spray tanning, you control the shade you want, which you don’t get with sun tanning. You can also choose the shade as well as the darker of the tan.

Another advantage of sun tanning is that it enhances the appearance of the skin and makes it youthful. If you take regular spray tanning treatment, your skin will retain its youthful charm and make you look younger.

The cons of spray tanning

Now let’s look into the negative side of spray tanning.

New research and medical studies have revealed that DHA, an active ingredient in spray tanning solutions, can damage the DNA. DHA can harm the body if inhaled and increase the risk of cancer.

Another con of spray tanning is that it’s costly. While there is no price to bask under the sun and get tanned, spray tanning comes with an expensive price tag.